Renting Your Wardrobe is The New Black

Renting Your Wardrobe is The New Black

Rent, flaunt and save-The advantages of renting wardrobe pieces.

The fashion retail world has shaken ever since renting clothes has become a thing. As someone who is an advocate of sustainable fashion, the one and done approach is wasteful as well as heavy on the pocket. Accessibility is imperative than ownership that’s why I simply love the idea of a rental space where you can book, wear and enjoy different clothing options. 

Social media has hit the fashion world by the storm. People are all about posting ootd’s (outfit of the day) pictures on their social accounts. Are you someone who has an active social life and is guilty of buying a dress, taking a few pictures for Instragram, and then forgetting about it for another outfit? This is a viscous fast fashion cycle, not to forget, you will always be in a constant state of panic because you have nothing new to wear. Here is where renting wardrobe pieces come to rescue. The advantage of renting clothes is nothing short of sartorial pleasure.. keep on reading to know why <3 

Say no to a cluttered wardrobe

Are you tired of raiding your wardrobe in search of what you need to wear? Renting out clothes is a good way to make sure your wardrobe is never piled up. 

Save your precious time

Why shop and spend time walking from shop to shop when you can rent the perfect clothes while sitting at home. Easy peasy right?

You get to try high fashion brands

Renting wardrobe pieces has allowed people to explore several high fashion brands and diversify their wardrobes. Renting clothes also gives you the freedom to try new styles and cuts, perfect for those who like to broaden their clothing style.

Good for the environment

Imagine once owning a dress that is being worn and appreciated by many? The idea of clothes having multiple lifecycles is great. 

Wardrobe refresh

Imagine if life had a refresh button? Sadly, life doesn’t, but refreshing your wardrobe every now and then is very much possible. By renting clothes, you get to try the trendiest stuff, change them season to season, all without buying any of ‘em.